Saturday, 5 April 2008


On the 4th of April 2008, everyone was so excited simply because some were getting an award, some was happy cause they were expecting their club to make lots of money, and some were simply happy because they were going to escape from 1 day of studying.

In the morning every one was busy putting the event together. Many were helping their teachers many were making their parents feel at home. When our special guest Tan Sri Ajit Singh arrived many got excited. That was when the event actually began.
We started of with the school choir which sang a short shabad. After that it was the Team 1 children who put up a special dance followed by the others who did many intresting performances such as a hip-hop JUMP IN dance, Dikir Barat which is a special art from Kelantan. After that, it was the award ceromany. We started with the Primary 1 till the high achivers of SPM 2007. After that, the school director Mr. Sukhdev and Chief Executive Officer Mdm. Jaswinder Kaur gave a closing speech.

After that, every one was busy shoping for food since it was canteen day. The Scouts were selling ice-cream float.Girl Guides were selling Pakora. The Interact Club was selling Burgers and many others were selling many other tasty food.


Thats Me recieving an award-- U know I am SMART right!!!

Dalip is under stress and preasure
He needs me to help him.

TRIPERT n' ME just wandering why the sky is so high.


Unknown said...

I still dont know why the sky so high lah!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahah lol....

Tripert Singh Khalsa said...

bro go to my blog now